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The Croquet Academy

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High Bisque Competition 2023 - by AdminJohn 31/08/2023 11:25 

Pam Gooders wins High Bisque Competition

The Annual High Bisque AC Tournament, run by the Croquet Academy, took place on 22nd August. Unusually, the weather was brilliant! 10 entries this year, well down from the 1980's and 1990's when over 30 competitors took part. This reflects the decline of AC in local clubs.

We saw some excellent play with breaks being attempted and some successfully made. Good use of bisques. Well done everyone and I hope you enjoyed the day.

Our worthy winner was Pam Gooders, an SCCC member, and long time supported of the event. Pam narrowly beat Richard Ellis to take the Salver.

Many thanks to the wonderful coaches who helped and advised the players - Chrissie Merrington, Clive Hayton and Katharine Minchin. They were a great support to me. Many thanks to Steve Chapman who filled a gap!

Next year? Maybe have a combined coaching/playing AC day?? Any ideas, please let me know.

Frances Low (Manager)


(31/08/2023 11:25)

High Bisque Competition - by AdminJohn 02/09/2022 20:54 

High Bisque Competition 2022

The competition was won by Robyn Clarke.



(02/09/2022 20:54)

2022 Course Entry now open - by AdminJohn 02/01/2022 16:25 

The Academy is now taking entries for the 2022 series of courses. Click here to see the Course Prospectus or here to make a entry.

Please note that some courses are being offered at Southwick and at our hub clubs of Guildford and Godalming and Royal Tunbridge Wells.  


Please make sure you choose the correct venue.


(02/01/2022 16:25)

Learn Association Croquet over the Winter - by AdminJohn 27/12/2021 17:37 

Your chance to learn Association Croquet over the Winter

Have you ever considered learning how to play Association Croquet? Whether you just want to try it out or use the techniques to improve your golf croquet, The Academy are offering a special modular winter programme to help you on your way.

This will be a course with a difference:

  • We are going to start by teaching you Ricochet. This game has swept the pacific basin and apart from learning a new fun game will give you some of the techniques to being a successful Association Croquet Player.

  • We going to use short Croquet Lawns. This will make it far easier to be able to undertake the strokes and start making breaks.

  • We are going to break the course down into short modules, then give you a number of practice routines to hone your skills .

The modules will be run by Academy coaches, with a maximum ratio of 4 players for every coach thus ensuring plenty of one to one advice and help.

Proposed course dates:

Module 1 Tuesday 19th October

Module 2 Wednesday 27th October

Module 3 Tuesday 16th November

Module 4 Saturday 20th November

Course content includes: Learn how to play Ricochet and then play a game. An introductory session on Association Croquet covering some basics including the roquet shot and a few laws. The croquet shot – The take off shot with practice routines. The straight drive and the stop shot. Practice routine using all three shots. Introduction to splits and rolls. Making a break – Understanding the 4 ball break. Keeping the break going.

How to open the game. How to set up a break. How to finish a break to your advantage. Effective use of bisques. Practice routines to work on over the winter.

Timing: 10.15am – 3.15pm (Bring you own lunch)

Cost for 4 modules:

£100 (CA Standard Members)

£80 (CA Premium members)

The following spring we plan to organise 2 x 1 one day courses to develop your skills.

To Apply:  Click here to apply on-line.

For more information contact Frances Low on 01273 388910


(27/12/2021 17:37)

High Bisque Tournament Report - by AdminJohn 20/08/2021 18:50 

The Croquet Academy High Bisque Tournament 2021

It was lovely to host the AC High Bisque tournament again at Southwick after a gap due to Covid.
There were 12 entries but sadly someone had to pull out that morning. I am very grateful to Gerald Gooders and Celia Fastnedge from Littlehampton who kindly substituted at the last minute!
The 4 rounds in blocks were closely contested but the final ended up between Jon Colombo from SCCC and Caroline Alexander from Medway.
The final swung one way then the next but the more consistent play of Jon ensured he won the match. Congratulations to Jon who received the High Bisque Salver.
Well done Caroline and all the players who took part.
My grateful thanks to Morgan Case and Chrissie Merrington who assisted me, did some coaching, and gave much support to me and the players!! Their comments after each match were well received and useful.
High bisque players struggle to see the whole picture on a full lawn so maybe next year, we can have a short court supported tournament? The shots can be more precise and the tactics can be followed more easily. Accuracy and understanding are more likely.
Well done anyway to you all – we noticed many improvements during the day, and a better appreciation of the 4 ball break!!
Keep going – we want to see you again next year!
Frances Low (Manager)


(20/08/2021 18:50)

A Message from the Academy Director - by AdminJohn 10/02/2021 08:28 



The current situation in terms of Croquet Academy Courses is far more optimistic for the coming year than 2020.

Happily there were some ‘high spots’ that came out of the pandemic which took over our lives: many ‘Newbies’ took up the game of croquet and Captain Sir Tom Moore became a National Hero. He will never be forgotten.

As long as things continue to improve this Spring, then all 2021 Academy Courses will go ahead - but, the majority of those held ‘on court’ will need to be rescheduled when have a clearer picture of Lockdown developments.

It is hoped that Courses programmed for June and later will be unaffected.

Webinars will be unchanged, indeed we are planning to add a couple more dates for Cliff Jones’ AC New-Laws Courses.

A late Summer/Autumn Programme is the most likely outcome.

The safety of everyone whether they are attendees, coaches or helpers is the prime concern in deciding if and when a course can go ahead. It is hoped that the majority of people who visit Southwick will have some form of protection from Covid-19 by the time courses start and any Course requiring classroom work will probably need to have proof of vaccination from all parties attending.

Before agreeing to undertake tuition, a Coach must feel confident that they are protected and can offer protection to their pupils and can work comfortably within a safety framework.

As well as the points above, the Academy has to fit in with planned CA Tournaments played at Southwick.

We will get there and it will be great to see old faces and new when we get back to playing.

Richard Carline


(10/02/2021 08:28)

New Program for 2021 - by AdminJohn 02/02/2021 13:41 

The Croquet Academy (Southwick) launches its 2021 Programme

The Croquet Academy at Southwick has launched its programme of 19 courses aimed at AC and GC players, from complete beginners to advanced.

New for 2021, we offer:

  • Cliff Jones'  Zoom webinars on the new AC Laws update, with a return visit later in the season for his very popular two day course for AC Improvers, which is accompanied by his excellent course manuals.
  • A GC Workshop’ including a Swing Trainer and Video Analysis to learn where to improve.
  • ‘It’s not about the mallet’ with former World Champion Stephen Mulliner, whether GC or AC, learn how to get that winning mentality.
  • Tim King will run a ‘GC Master Class’ for aspiring A and B-Level tournament players.
  • Short Croquet – AC for beginners – it’s one of the easiest way to learn the game.
  • An opportunity to attend a course by Stephen Custance-Baker, author of ‘Every Shot Is Tactical’.

Everything from complete beginners to advanced in both GC and AC.


(02/02/2021 13:41)

The Croquet Academy – Amendment to 2021 Courses - by AdminJohn 20/12/2020 18:38 

This has been superseded by the new programme

The Croquet Academy – Amendment to 2021 Courses

The two coaching courses are being amalgamated to take place on the same two days and will be run by Cliff Jones

7– 8 April


Becoming A Coach

(CTC)- Club Level Coach

To be run in parallel.

(CQC) Coach Qualification Course

(£40 subsidy may be available)

Cliff Jones



(20/12/2020 18:38)

GC Examining Coach - by AdminJohn 09/07/2020 21:00 

GC Examining Coach 

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Janet Hoptroff has attained her position as a GC Examining Coach.
The endorsements given by very well respected members of the CA Coaching  Committee were outstanding. 
Janet has worked tirelessly for The Croquet Academy for over seven years and her very professional way of Coaching has set a standard for all of us who have worked with and been led by her.

Well done Janet!

Richard Carline


(09/07/2020 21:00)

Morgan Case - Congratulations - by AdminJohn 28/01/2020 08:51 

GC International Performance Development Squad

picture of Morgan Case

Congralutations Morgan!

Morgan Case has been selected as a member of the GC International Performance Development Squad. A valued Academy Coach, Morgan has shown steady GC improvement over the last two seasons and his selection is well deserved. So Morgan becomes the latest SCCC player to wear an England shirt - well done.


(28/01/2020 08:51)

Last import : 25/07/2024 20:47