
High Bisque Tournament 2015 - 15/08/2015 10:17 by Frances_Low

The Croquet Academy
Supervised High Bisque Tournament
Southwick 13/14 August

The annual high bisque tournament remains a popular Academy event. This year we had 19 entries only – 1 late withdrawal and a clash with Hurlingham seemed to affect numbers.

The High Bisque Salver was contested by 10 players with some excellent croquet and sporting games. The winner after a close contest was Chris Rolph who beat Chris Coull in the final +6. Both players had deserved handicap changes as did Deborah Marcus. We were pleased to see some newcomers and hope they enjoyed the play.


The Supervised group was ably managed by Katharine Minchin assisted by her team of coaches. The higher bisquers played some 14 point games with supervision and as ever the coaching and advice was well received.

The Club provided delicious lunches and we are grateful to all the volunteers from the Club and the Academy who supported this event.

The weather was interesting with an absolute deluge on the first day accompanied by thunder and lightning! What a start – we tried 3 times to start playing but each time had to abandon the games. Thanks to the higher lawns and fast draining we were lucky to get in so many games!

I would like to thank those who took part and we hope to see many more of you next year. It is a marvelous learning tournament with an opportunity to get advice from experienced coaches,and  a chance to play new opponents and to have great fun!

Frances Low-manager.
